Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Rougés are on fire!

Hello friends and family!
Its not very often that we find time or energy to write about what is going on in our lives. Even getting Christmas cards out is a feat we rarely conquer. BUT we've got something pretty exciting going on! We're adopting a baby from Ethiopia.

Check back often to see our updates, successes, failures, and thoughts as we go through this crazy (but well thought out) decision to adopt internationally.

Feel free to send thoughts, prayers, and questions our way! We can't guarantee how often we'll post, but if anything exciting comes up, we'll be sure to post it here. Happy New Year!
Love, Lucas and Andrea


  1. So excited to follow you guys on this journey!
    Much love from the original Hot Rougés~

  2. LOVE you guys and cannot wait to meet the new member of your family! Please post often as I will be on pins and needles! CONGRATS!!!!


  3. Aunty Sarah's heart is filled with joy! I'm gonna hound you for postings!! ;)
    Can't wait to meet the lil munchkin!!!

    Love you guys!

  4. I am SO excited for you guys!!!!!!! This is so great!

  5. Oh, I am so excited for you guys! I will be praying for you and your new little one! Love you!!!
